Monday 15 November 2010

Music Monday ~ 38: Stiltskin – Inside

“Inside” by Stiltskin has to be one of my favourite songs of all time.  It was a bit like “Low” by Cracker though because I only ever liked this song by the band and wasn’t about to go buy the whole album just for one song.  Sometimes I think the entire digital age was made just for me (or people like me) because I just love that you can buy one single track off these days.

I’ve yet to find anyone who can make any sense whatsoever of the lyrics but there is just one small part of the lyrics that did make sense and which really appealed to me:

and if you think that I've been losing my way
that's because I'm slightly blinded
if you think that i don't make to much sense,
that's because I'm broken minded



  1. Absolutely love this song too.

  2. Yay Emm..very cool......I love coming always have new gems for me! Yes is cool about the digiatl era..and just buying what you like is a pretty cool option..rock on!
    Have a great week..and wkd!

  3. @ V: Yay! It really good.

    @ Victoria: Aaaah, I love your visits too! I've got a really brilliant download coming up on Friday - one of my best yet.

  4. Swing low in a dark glass hour = time is running short, it's late, the middle of the night and depression sets in

    You turn and cower
    See it turn to dust = be brave, go through with it or else all your plans will come to nothing

    Move on a stone dark night
    We take to flight
    Snowfall turns to rust = Leaving the illusions thrust upon us by others and making you own way

    Seam in a fusing mine
    Like a nursing rhyme = Using a new creative approach to bring down those who have power over
    Fat man starts to fall you

    Year in a hostile place = should have been "5 years in a hostile place" but didn't scan, the face
    I hear your face represents freedom
    Start to call

    And if you think that I've been losing my way = should be easy to understand
    That's because I'm slightly blinded,
    And if you think that I don't make too much sense
    That's because I'm broken minded
    Don't keep it...
    If you believe it
    Don't keep it all inside

    Strong words in a ganges sky = ganges sky represents the prison the writer wishes to escape from, when
    I have to lie you look up from a prison yard the sky is still blue, I have to lie and
    Shadows move in pairs shadows move in pairs reflect the day to day living in the hostile place,
    the word shadows is a reference to Plato's cave where the day to day
    reality is but a shadow of genuine truth

    Ring out from the bruised postcard = bad news came on a post card which was painful to read
    In the shooting yard the shooting yard is quite literally the place where the firing squad
    Looking through the tears plied its trade, the tears are cracks in the wall
    through which the
    outside world can be seen but not participated in.

    Out on the black slate time = hard labour with the promise of an end which will never really come
    We move in line
    But never reach an end

    Fall in a long stray town = Once more a reference to the mutability of the day to day world, there
    As the ice comes down is a Godforsaken town in Scotland called "Long Town" it is rootless like
    Rivers start to bend a stray dog, a hellish place to be trapped. However just North of Long
    Town are mountains from which the glaciers descended during the
    last ice age, the glacier actually altered the course of rivers which
    were pushed onto a different course, if rivers can be bent then
    anything can be changed, no matter how bad it is or apparently
    strong it is.

    And if you think that I've been losing my way
    That's because I'm slightly blinded,
    And if you think that I don't make too much sense
    That's because I'm broken minded
    Don't keep it...
    If you believe it
    Don't keep it all inside
    Extracts from an interview I did with the writer Peter Lawlor


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