Wednesday 7 April 2010

Site news: PR4, giveaways, email subscriptions and more!

PR4 – Yay!

I don’t think I’ve ever done a site news here before but I thought it was about time! The nice news is that Google redid their whole page rank thingy over the weekend and this blog now has a page rank 4.  It is not the biggest thing on earth but it is always nice to see your efforts rewarded!

Upcoming competitions

To celebrate, I have decided to host a couple of giveaways and I have put a poll up in the sidebar to this end.  Make sure you vote on which which book you’d like to see being offered first and remember that you can vote for more than one.

The giveaways will have two components – readers can enter into the competition (no purchase is necessary!) and I will also be giving away ad spots on this blog for those who help me promote the competitions.

Email subscriptions

Following on the success of email subscriptions on my other two blogs, I have decided to offer email subscription on this blog too.  The subscription box is currently half way down my left side bar.


I’ve been trying to prettify this blog for some time now and to make it a place where people will want to visit.  One of the changes has been to change the name from “Emm Media” to “Addicted to Media”.  It makes more sense this way as I consume so much media that it does seem to be an addiction at times.  It is a work in progress though and one of these days I will probably take David Tennant’s face out of the header and widget as he’s not the Doctor anymore, is he?

This is what my widget looks like at the moment though and I’ll probably use it for a couple more weeks.



I became a BlogCritics writer in January and it has been a lot of fun!  I recently wrote my 25th article for them but will continue to post all of the relevant articles here too.  My writer profile is here:  The significance of this is that I do now officially accept books, music and films for review so feel free to contact me if you’d like me to review your material.

I think that is all for now so get voting on the right sidebar!



  1. Congratulations on the pagerank update. What did you think of the new Doctor Who? I think he might take a bit of getting used to.

  2. @ John: I am madly, passionately and wildly in love with him already! Which is why i haven't written a review yet because I didn't quite want to come across as a lovelorn teenager. But no, no getting used to him for me. I'm smitten!

  3. YAY!! Way to Go Emm!
    Happy for You :-D


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