Tuesday 3 November 2009

New Doctor Who logo in action

I wrote a while ago about how I wasn't happy with the new redesign of the Doctor Who logo. Well, I have to admit, after seeing it in action with the accompanying sounds of the Tardis, it really, really does work.

In other news, the next Doctor Who television special Waters of Mars has screened in London and has been generally well received which is a relief. My whole Doctor Who experience was watered down a bit over the past 18 months or so what with the constant speculation as to who would replace David Tennant; his announcement of his impending retirement and last but certainly not least, the abominable Easter special. But I do think things are progressing in a really good direction.
Things to be excited about:
  • I'm happy with the choice of Matt Smith as the 11th Doctor…
  • …and I like Karen Gillan as the next companion
  • I now “get” the new logo and I liked seeing it in action
  • I am so glad Russell T. Davies is going
  • I’m glad Waters of Mars has been well received…
  • … and I feel I have reason to hope that the Christmas and New Year’s specials will be handled well
  • Finally, I am super happy that John Simm will be back as the Master
This is a cute article: John Simm has fun 'destroying' pal David Tennant.
I have to acknowledge that without Russell T. Davies, there would be no new Doctor Who, Torchwood or Sarah Jane Adventures.  At the end of the day though, everything that I didn’t like in the past four years was down to him and I’m looking forward Steven Moffat’s more intelligent stories.

Visit Shownar for links to more Doctor Who blog posts or click on the links for the Doctor Who blogs in my side bar..


  1. I think it's adorable...hee. Love the Tardis! My favorite part of the current intro is when the Tardis flips from one wormhole into another...whee! *G*

    I am easily amused, you see. :P

    I've tried to stay away from news of the new Doctor, though I have seen a stray pic or two. It was so cool during the first season, because I had no idea bout anything, and was stunned when Christopher Eccleston turned into David Tennant...hee!

  2. @ Ben: It is much better to see it in action. Are you a fan?

    @ Valerie: Ha ha. I guess you've already seen how easily amused *I* am!! I can't avoid news of the new doctor - he is so geeky and cute that I just can't get enough of him!! Can't wait to "meet" him!


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