Tuesday 17 November 2009

Doctor Who: a fangirl emerges

© BBC [Image Source]

I have a deeply emotional connection to Doctor Who and the related Whoverse. I can remember, clear as day, being terrified by the Daleks at the tender age of six or seven and once we left England and moved to South Africa, Doctor Who came to embody everything I missed about England and hated about South Africa. I am sure a deeper analysis would prove that Doctor Who is at the very root of everything I am today including my obsession with everything supernatural, space or sci-fi related; my fear of the dark (and of upside-down bucket things with funnels) and my love of the colour blue.

I guess it speaks to how underwhelmed I have been recently with what Doctor Who has to offer because there are just about no reviews on this blog. In fact, there are no Doctor Who reviews at all. I was certainly disappointed with the Easter special Planet of the Dead. Well, I intend to correct that now. Starting tomorrow, I’ll review the latest Doctor Who special, Waters of Mars and post some fantastic stills and screen caps.

I’m then going to be watching and reviewing the original series starting with the episodes first aired in November 1963.  I’ll try do that a couple of times a month but I don’t want it to get too boring.  Maybe I should try watching the Who episodes on my iPod on the train!  I might interlace this with some reviews of the latest incarnation of Doctor Who, starting with the Christopher Eccleston episodes back in 2005.



  1. Sad thing is, I've never watched Dr. Who in my life. Should I watch it?

  2. Hmmm. I'm not sure Pizza. It is very English and very fantastical and quirky. I guess you'd have to give it a chance. The thing is, it is a show that doesn't take itself too seriously and I love it.


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