I’ve noticed that the greatest number of visitors to my blog are coming through Google’s image search and thought it high time that I start giving my visitors what they want! I’m going to start off with Robin Hood because this was one of my favourite shows once and it was the reason I became so very obsessed with Harry Lloyd.
Lardner’s Ring was one of my favourite Robin Hood episodes and that had everything to do with the hotness that is Harry Lloyd. I’ve put a veritable treasure trove of screen caps and icons of Harry Lloyd, Lucy Griffiths and Joe Armstrong below.
These screen caps are usually used on the 'net for icon making and that type of thing. If you do use them, please credit Emm and link back to this blog or credit missus_emm at Livejournal.

Best shot ever:


Lardner’s Ring was one of my favourite Robin Hood episodes and that had everything to do with the hotness that is Harry Lloyd. I’ve put a veritable treasure trove of screen caps and icons of Harry Lloyd, Lucy Griffiths and Joe Armstrong below.
These screen caps are usually used on the 'net for icon making and that type of thing. If you do use them, please credit Emm and link back to this blog or credit missus_emm at Livejournal.
Harry Lloyd as Will Scarlett
Best shot ever: