Monday 27 July 2009

Music Monday # 8: The Faint – Mirror Error

I love The Faint. I don't post enough about the music I love on this blog. The good news is that I've gone through a bit of a musical reawakening because I didn't listen to any music for two weeks while I was catching up with the audiobook version of Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince. Now, two weeks later, I am gagging to listen to some quality music!

On my playlist this week will be Klaxons and The Faint.  These are two excellent Indie Electronic bands and I’ve been largely obsessed with both of them for a couple of years.  I would sell my husband to the slave trade just to see either of them in concert again.  Sadly, the slave trade has been hit by the recession so I don’t have enough money to justify going to one of the overpriced English summer festivals to see Klaxons and The Faint don’t seem to be keen on coming back over to England anytime soon.

This particular song is my favourite song off The Faint’s latest album Fascinatiion.  I loved it when I saw them live and I remember singing it repeatedly while I was studying for exams last November.  Silly, crazy, happy memories.  I like that.

Find more Music Monday posts at Lady Java's Lounge or by clicking my label below.


1 comment

  1. Hey! Glad you liked it. It was been on an episode of Gossip Girl recently too.


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