Monday 19 January 2009

Film: Yes Man (2008)

I don't often watch films anymore. There was a time when Ste and I went to the cinema every single Tuesday of our lives and we watched just about everything out there. Then television became more of a fan thing for me with me tracking and reviewing the shows I had watched and falling in love with Veronica Mars, Prison Break, The O.C. and a host of other shows.

However, I made a New Year's resolution to watch 20 films this year. Interestingly, I made the same resolution in 2007 but then I went through the pesky inconvenience of emigrating to a new country and that can really interfere with your leisure time, I tell you. There is also the small detail that we paid 50p each to go to the cinema in South Africa (which is about $1) and it costs £8 to £12 to go to the cinema here. I really struggle with that discrepancy and that is at the heart of my review on this film.


There was nothing special about Yes Man. A man enters into a challenge to say 'yes' to everything for an entire year and naturally that leads to funny consequences as he says 'yes' to all those spam mails offering enlargements and so on. And he meets a girl and his habit leads to misunderstandings and a rift in the relationship but they clear it up eventually and they live happily ever after.

In other words, it is the same as every other romantic comedy out there and you certainly shouldn't waste actual money going to see it in the cinema. It also fits the Jim Carrey formula which is a pity because I happen to think he can act and I don't understand why he would opt for something as unoriginal and formulaic as this after he somewhat proved himself in the critically acclaimed films Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Man on the Moon and The Truman Show.

My final answer will be: move along, there's nothing to see here. Certainly don't watch it is if it the only thing you're going to watch at the cinema in the next couple of months. Wait until it comes out on DVD and then hire it along with a host of other DVDs on a rainy Sunday afternoon. And then nap through it.

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