Monday 13 February 2017

Cover Reveal: Blood and Ink by Stephen Davies (US Cover)

There is exciting news on the horizon for American fans of children’s author Stephen Davies. His fantastic novel, Blood and Ink is being released in the States on 19 September 2017 and I can reveal the shiny new cover for the US version today.

Blood & Ink - Stephen Davis - US Cover

Doesn’t it look fantastic?

Blood and Ink is the story of 16-year-old Ali, a Fulani herdboy who is plucked from his rural existence and radicalised to become a child soldier for the Islamic extremists targeting Timbuktu. Kadija’s father is keeper of the sacred manuscripts of Timbuktu, a position that will soon fall to her. In a time of conflict and unimaginable horror, where children grow up too quickly and are forced to fight adult battles, the stakes are ever greater once Ali and Kadi meet. 

I gave this fantastic book a five star review when it was released in the UK and I wholeheartedly recommend it to lovers of superior contemporary fiction and those wishing to gain an understanding of the political situation in Mali.

You can pre-order the US edition of Blood and Ink ahead of its release on 19 September 2017 or order the UK edition at

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