Monday 29 August 2011

Music Video: Pink Floyd–“Welcome to the Machine”


I’ve just spent the past week listening to nothing but Pink Floyd.  I fell in love with Pink Floyd in 1979 when, at the tender age of 6, I absolutely and completely identified with “Another Brick in the Wall (Part 2)”.  Of course, I didn’t really know it at that stage but I had subconsciously fallen in love with the band long before that as Dark Side of the Moon was a favourite of both my parents.  Like The Who, Pink Floyd played a huge part in my musical upbringing and I most likely first heard them in my mother’s tummy.

Unfortunately, like so many of the other great progressive rock bands, Pink Floyd came from a time just before the dawn of music videos and MTV.  I would have liked to have chosen “Pigs (Three Different Ones)” this week but there is no official music video for it (just a half-decent fan-made video over at YouTube).

I decided to choose “Welcome to the Machine” because this song is amazing and it is from one of my favourite albums, Wish You Were Here.  This is one of those songs that were nearly the death of me in high school and certainly the death of many a cassette tapes as I ran it back and played it over and over again.  I swear, the digital age with CDs and mp3s was made just for me.  Obsessing about music has become so much easier.

I don’t think the video above is an official video (Boris Yeltzin and Bill Clinton in the closing scenes was a slight hint), but it is a really decent effort nonetheless.

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