Monday 1 November 2010

Music Monday ~ 37: Cracker – Low

I can remember the first time I heard this song. It was in May 1994 and we were driving to Wits University to do some late night revising for our exams.  I was blown away and this song immediately became one of my biggest obsessions of all time.

This was before the days of the World Wide Web of course and I had three choices: I could buy the full Cracker CD Kerosene Hat (but I really only liked the one song), I could pay a ridiculously high amount of money for an import CD single or I could buy a compilation CD with it on.  In the end, I waited until my next trip to London and bought the CD single. 

I was surprised to learn that David Lovering from Pixies was drummer for the band around the time this single was released.  I wonder if he played on it??  I was even more surprised to see that Cracker have released 10 studio albums and have a loyal fan base as I thought they were a one hit wonder!



  1. Love it when you hear a song that just blows your mind.

  2. Wow..I havent heard this!! wild! I also liked "happy..happy Birthday to me"
    Thanks for the mems Emm!

  3. I just have to say...
    Your blog is amazing!
    Love your design.

  4. @ Ryan: Absolutely!

    @ Victoria: So you know them too!? Brilliant!

    @ Kenneth: Why thank you! It is just a plain old Blogger template that I personalised.


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